J-WAVE USA was three days of events I curated at UCLA in March 2008
It focused on the export/import of Japanese contemporary culture in California, transnational entrepreneurship
in the creative industries, and the rise of Girl Photography in Japan since the 1990s
It included academic talks, a business entrepreneurship panel at the UCLA Anderson School
a one day conference, and a small exhibition of photography by Mika Ninagawa and Mikiko Hara
The show, which I co-curated with Hiromi Nakamura of the Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of
Photography, was entitled "Sweet and Bitter"
The 16 page full colour programme
-- which includes an 8 page catalogue and Hiromi Nakamura's curatorial essay --
is available here
The full transcript of the panel discussion at the Hammer Museum on "Girl Photography in Japan"
-- which features Laura Miller, Charlotte Cotton, Sharon Kinsella and Yoshitaka Mouri --
is available here
A short report on the event by the UCLA Center for the Study of Women
-- including a link to a podcast of the talks --
is available here
The wonderful cover artwork is by Marina Kappos, an LA artist I met at Tokyo Wonder Site
You can read my review for Art Forum of her work, which also gives access to her website